Memorial Day Service
The traditional Community Memorial Day Service held at Pleasant Valley Cemetery is scheduled for Sunday, May 26th, at 2 PM. Prior to the service those who wish may walk the approximate one half mile distance from St. Matthew’s UCC in Pleasant Valley to the cemetery. The walk will
begin promptly at 1:45 PM at the church.
Walkers are asked to bring flowers to place on the graves. The Pleasant Valley Cemetery Association will give participants flags to carry that will be placed on veterans graves. Those who wish may bring lawn chairs for the service.
This service has been held every year for approximately 80 years and was started by the Patriotic Order Sons of American. This was a lodge similar to the Elks and Masons and the group was located in Pleasant Valley.
In the 1920’s the Pleasant Valley Band was organized at the Pleasant Valley High School and played its first performance at a Memorial Day
service. Members from this group later became part of the Wm. F. Myers Band, Westminster, which will provide music at the cemetery as they have for many years.
For the safety of those walking, the Pleasant Valley Fire Company will provide equipment to accompany the walkers and the band.
In case of rain, the service will be held at St. Matthew’s UCC in Pleasant Valley and the walk will be canceled.