Quarter Auction
Saturday, October 10, 2020 – Doors Open at 4:30 PM
Auction begins at 6:00pm
Location: Pleasant Valley Community Fire Department
2030 South Pleasant Valley Road, Westminster, Maryland 21158
Sponsored by St. Matthew’s UCC of Pleasant Valley
1427 Pleasant Valley Rd., Westminster, MD 21158
For more information call 410-848-5163 or email office@saintmatthewsucc.org
Thank You
For many years, St. Matthew’s UCC hosted a Fallfest and Car Show the second week of October each Fall. Thank you to everyone who supported these fundraisers over the years, from the craft and yard sale vendors, to the car show participants, to the community that attended the events year after year. In place of the Fallfest and Car Show, we will be hosting a Quarter Auction this year.
Auction Details
The Quarter Auction will be held on Oct. 10, 2020 at the Pleasant Valley Community Fire Company. Doors will open at 4:30 PM for shopping at home-based businesses and eating homemade foods. A bake table will be available.
The quarter auction will begin at 6:00pm, with at least 30 items to be auctioned. Advanced tickets are $5.00. Tickets at the door are $7.00. Additional auction paddles are $3.00. Information concerning the names of the vendors and where to purchase tickets will be available soon.